I’m Jonathan Bane, a licensed psychic who consults for the police. I routinely help the police put the bad guys away and, for that reason, the criminal world doesn’t like me much. People like to take a swing at me, or go stabbity, or try for a gun. It makes for interesting times. My psychic ability prevents me from handling anything electronic—and I do mean ANYTHING, I fry it in seconds—so calling for help isn’t always a possibility.

I need an anchor, a partner, but I’m resigned: it’s just wishful thinking.

At least, I thought so until he walked through the door.

Donovan Havili looks like a thug and has the soul of a superhero. He shines so bright in my vision it’s like watching a supernova. He definitely has the right mindset and skills for this crazy job. But asking anyone to take me on long-term is a bit much. And now we’ve got multiple cases to handle, a Chinese exchange student falsely accused who needs our help, and someone taking random shots at me. It’s a bit much for any new guy to handle and I’m half-afraid that my new partner will run for the door.

But in Donovan Havili, the criminal world has met its match. And maybe, just maybe, I have as well.


Companionable snark, Flirting, Kissing, Jon needs a hug, Donovan gives the best hugs, Getting together, Self-esteem issues, Explicit content, Anal Sex, Romantic Sex, Random shooting, Which Donovan isn’t happy about, Donovan is a gentleman, Sort of, Jon just makes it REALLY REALLY HARD Okay?, Bisexual character, Public displays of affection, Muscles, Communication, Healthy relationships, The fluff might kill you, Supernatural elements, Modern with Magic, Feels, All the Feels, Mostly accurate medical stuff, Multiple electronics died in the creation of this story, blame Jon

Jon’s Downright Ridiculous Shooting Case

Audiobook - also available on most platforms!

I’m rather used to the crazy cases, because let’s face it, most cops can handle the run-of-the-mill with their eyes closed. I’m only called in when the situation is weird or they need to solve the case fast.


This case is a little of both.


Someone’s attacking women as they get off of work, hitting them in the back of the head. What started as a case of battery has steadily built up to homicide. With three murders, six victims, and no leads, the Clarksville PD are desperate to catch the assailant. But there’s no real leads for us to follow, either, and for once my eyes can’t really help.


A madman running around attacking women is bad enough, but the police are demanding answers we can’t give them, and they’re not taking no for an answer. It’s pushing us all past our limits, and frankly, I don’t know what’s going to break first: The case or Donovan’s patience.




Relationships, Loss of control, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Domestic, Tenderness, Tooth-rotting fluff, (I didn’t know that was a tag until just now), Alternating POV, Women being awesome, Protectiveness, The fluffiest mystery you’ll ever read, I mean really this is just ridiculous, Bisexuality, Size Difference, Communication, Holding Hands, Healthy Relationships, Pansexual Character, Donovan is Boss AF, Jon is so smitten it’s embarrassing, Explicit sexual content, Handcuffs, Jon what are you getting yourself into?, Mental health issues, dealt with delicately (I hope), Violence, Because they’re detectives duh, bit of pain, That sounds terrible, it’s brief I promise, Snuggles heal all the pains, most pain, some pain?, Jon basically has to deal with everyone wanting to cuddle him, cuddle porn

Jon’s Crazy Head-Boppin’ Mystery

Audiobook - also available on most platforms!

I’ve investigated some pretty strange cases in my life, but I have to say this is a first. A corpse—a murder victim—has gone missing during the middle of an investigation, and no one has any clue where it went. Psy is called in to clear the investigative team, make sure they’re not an accomplice. It’s a four hour drive outside of Nashville, to a place famous for being haunted, so none of us are particularly eager to go.


And then we arrive on scene and I see who we’re dealing with and I want nothing more than to turn around and go right back to Nashville.


This case is complicated and strange, and absolutely nothing is as it seems at first glance. Even with my eyes, it’s going to take some digging to get to the truth.



haunted house, disappearing corpses, not in a zombie way, Donovan doesn’t do ghosts, family drama, because families are complicated, muuuuurder, bareback sex, terrible parenting, Donovan puts up with a lot to say the least, developing relationship, Garrett’s a good bro, sometimes, yeeeeeeeeeeeeees, FINALLY, healthy life choices, possibly wrong forensics, I don’t even know, I tried, no ghosts were harmed in the making of this story, supernatural elements, the author regrets nothing

Jon’s Spooky Corpse Conundrum

Audiobook - also available on most platforms!

Proposing vs defusing a bomb?

Defusing a bomb is much easier than proposing.


Defusing Donovan’s anger over getting on a plane to defuse said bomb? Harder than the bomb.


I’m not liking these odds.


Is proposing supposed to be this difficult?


Jon and Donovan have a fight, as expected they’re very bad at it, things go BOOM, my kink is healthy processing and expressing of emotions, relationship lessons, life lessons, love is not based on worth, the dads are awesome, I put Jon on a plane, because I’m evil that way, personal space? What’s that?, cats, Jon has a new toy, no I’m not talking about Donovan, the bomb squad is ready to just keep Jon, roadtrip!, grandparents also rock, absolutely nothing goes according to plan

Jon’s Boom Shaka Laka Problem

Audiobook - also available on most platforms!

It’s like a bad game of Telephone.

Grant locates a murdered teen in McMinnville. He calls Jon.


Jon locates the girl’s ghost. He calls Mack.


Mack talks to the ghost who leads them to more ghosts. Who lead them to even more ghosts.


And why are all the murder victims buried under trees?


The boys are ready for this game to end, please. (Donovan especially.)



Jon’s World crossover, hail hail the gang’s all here, oh look we meet Grant, trees are not to be trusted, according to Donovan, ya’ll pray for Donovan, there’s so many ghosts, the ghosts have some WORDS to share, car sex, bondage sex, Mack has plans, so of course they get ruined, BAMF female cops, Jon and Mack are ready for this case to be over, please and thank you, serial killer(s)? running amok, people get tombed, literally, Eli’s mad she missed the fun, Mack would like to say: Don’t use Jon as a battery, seriously don’t do it

Jon & Mack’s Terrifying Tree Troubles

Audiobook - also available on most platforms!

A Jon’s Mysteries Spinoff Novella

What happens when a Havili researcher meets a psychic dreamwalker? A dreamy meet-cute, that’s what. (In more ways than one.)

Strangest meetcute ever, stalking-not-stalking, Grant is a sleep-deprived mess, Alan is more than happy to sleep with him, (also in more ways than one), Havili protectiveness runs strong, Grant needs a vat of coffee, bookworms make good psychic partners, Jon plays matchmaker, again, Grant’s ability likes Alan A LOT, it wants to have his babies, #TeamHavili, kidnapping cases

Alan’s Utterly Accidental Dream-cute