The Warden and the General Book One
Ren’s fantasy wishlist includes:
● A sexy lover (preferably of the male variety)
● Peace inside of the palace
● Possibly an onsen
● His best friend never deployed again, and always beside him
It does not include:
● Assassins inside of his palace
● Far too many conspiracies
● Being proposed to while hungover. In bed. By his straight best friend.
Arman Brahms falling in love with him is a fantasy Ren’s buried for over six years, so to have it come true seems unreal. He has questions. All the questions. Mainly because Arman is bad at using his words.
But the most important question?
Is the fantasy worth risking everything?
Friends to lovers, GFY, Arman is the king of demisexual, Arman is absolutely done with this nonsense and lets people know it, no fainting damsels here, proposing is difficult, indecent proposal, Arman uses words, not too many, that’s what Ren is for, Ren’s up to rule twenty-five, Arman’s still violating three, five, and sixteen, too many potential conspiracies, too many assassination attempts, Ren would like less assassins please and thank you, being warden to a palace is not as much fun as it looks, Fourth Point of Contact doesn’t mean what you think, don’t mix alcohol with a teenage princess, accidental princess corruption, royal meddlers, fantasy world but no magic
Fourth Point of Contact
Audiobook - available on most platforms!
The Warden and the General Book Two
Ren’s homecoming wishlist includes:
Arman not bashing everyone’s heads together (at least not without him)
Getting the fortress built before the Mongs attack (not at the rate they’re going with all the the thefts happening)
Going home without incident (also, again, not likely)
What it did not include was:
Social reform
A child
A raiding party
Arman actually using his words
Life once again proved reality is better than fantasy, and Ren couldn’t be happier.
Except for the Mongs. He could do without the Mongs.
Homecoming, Arman actually uses his words, it’s a miracle, children, homophobic idiots, supportive brother, surprise visits from royalty, Ren would like to point out this was not his idea, words are hard, if you have to build a fortress do it right the first time, Arman promises to not beat the whole country to a pulp for scorning his marriage, maybe, no promises, parenting is hard, someone should have warned Arman, raiding parties are their jam, O’ Broín is a good bro, matchmaking, social change, Arman sucks at giving hints, absolutely no one is surprised by this, fantasy becomes reality
Zone of Action
Audiobook - available on most platforms!
Luca O’ Broín’s original wife checklist:
● a loving marriage
● mother for his children
● capable of running a fortress
● sexually compatible
● someone intelligent
Luca’s REVISED non-negotiable husband checklist:
● dependable friend
● capable of running a fortress
● willing to move to Bhodhsa
● someone with brains
Noe Keller’s husband checklist:
● Luca
Luca’s UPDATED husband checklist:
● Noe
Turns out wishing on the stars isn’t hopeless after all.
Marriage pact, age gap, hurt/comfort, gay for you, workplace romance, chosen family, cinnamon roll protection squad, assemble!, I did not plan this book, Noe was the one on ship building duty this time, communication, no third act breakups because I can’t stand those, O’ Broin is getting his happily ever after, so is Noe, peanut gallery included, Sakura dispenses wisdom like candy, Ren and Arman are hashtag relationship goals
(Occurs same time as Zone of Action, you will have need to have read the other two.)
I've had requests for a list of Ren's Rules. He never did tell me the full list, but I can share what I do know.
Rule One - When giving orders, said orders must be more than a location.
Rule Two – Grunts are not answers.
Rule Three – You have to at least try words before relying on gestures.
Rule Four - You’re not allowed to argue with just one word.
Rule Five - You can’t give me a blanket ‘yes’ to any question.
Rule Six – You can’t give me a blanket ‘no’ either.
Rule Seven - When explaining very important things, you must use more than twenty words.
Rule Eight – Battle tactics are considered to be very important things.
Rule Nine – You can’t pretend you don’t know Shiirein.
Rule Ten – You can’t pretend you don’t know your own language either.
Rule Eleven – Pointing at me will not make me answer every question for you.
Rule Nineteen - You do not use my words against me.
Rule twenty – You’re not allowed to hint. You’re terrible at hinting.
Ren’s Rules
Author’s Notes
Often while I'm writing, I listen to music. Sometimes to get me in the right mood for a particular scene, sometimes just for background noise. In either case, I have something of a playlist going on for each book that helps me to stay focused. Here's a few select songs that comprises of this book's playlist:
Meraki - Jo Blakenburg
About Time - Hiroyuki Sawano
Tender Love - Bii
Wonder Woman's Ost - Rupert Gregson-Williams
Haikyuu Ost - Yuki Hayashi