“Company policy forbids me from exchanging my blood, my soul, or my firstborn child with customers…”

When Ross starts working third-shift at a gas station, he doesn’t think anything extraordinary will happen. He expects a lot of quiet shifts.

Well, you know what they say about assumptions.

One explosion later and he’s the personal assistant to a vampire—who he admits is not only sexy, but the sane one—in charge of his supernatural clan’s paperwork, and managing any trouble the members get into.

Spoiler alert: the clan can get into quite a bit of trouble.

Ross is definitely not paid enough for this.


The crack ship armada sails again, and then it got out of hand, poor put upon retail workers, Ross didn’t deserve this, Fate is cruel, so am I, the trauma of changing jobs, Ross has a paperclip and knows how to use it, Ross isn’t clear if he’s a PA, bartender, or babysitter, troublesome werewolves, Australian wizards, spells gone awry, very awry, sexy vampires, developing relationship, coming out, not a single degree of chill from Glenn where Ross is concerned, slow burn, boss/secretary, light bondage, Ross has to teach ancient mythical beings how to text, pray for him, SHENANIGANS, did I mention crack?, the most absurd workplace romance in history

The Tribulations of Ross Young, Supernat PA : The Complete Works

Additional Incident: LARPing

The clan goes LARPing.

Do they understand it’s a game? No.

Does Ross regret all life decisions? Yes.

LARPing is now on Ross’s shit list.



when the children are quiet Ross panics, for good reason, clan use your brain challenge: failed, the crack ship armada sails again, author has lost discretion within this story, dwarven mead, spells gone wrong, attempt at humor, the clan are dumbasses, that is the humor, only one building was harmed in the making of this story

Additional Incident: Common Sense Deserts Once Again

An Unholy Trifecta x Supernat PA crossover

Remi steals something she shouldn't. Oops?

In her defense, Ivan thought it was a good idea.



Ivan, cause Ivan is his own tag, Remi is all grown up, cursed objects, Kyou wonders how this is now his life, Glenn is amused, Ross has no fucks to give, this is just pure crack okay, don’t take it seriously, Remi stole something she should not have, everyone blames Ivan, ruby necklaces should not float and give off lightshows, Glenn owes Ivan a favor and he’s calling it in, dwarven mead, warlocks, Remi is adopted by dwarves, Ari gets to shoot something so he’s happy, Ross refuses to be in charge of a warlock’s inventory, because no